Community Goals
These are some of the goals that Youthscape has set up in an effort to foster a culture of community. Most of them are currently in “Dream Phase” but we are firm believers of sharing the future vision. Keep checking back for changes and see when each piece gets fully implemented!
Photo by Katie Smith on Unsplash
Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash
Eat Together (Dream Phase)
Much harder to do than it sounds--especially when you have teams spread all over the city/countryside! Still, one of Youthscape's community values is to try and eat one meal together every workday. A meal that has been prepared by one of the Youthscape teams no less. Not only does this bring each other together for some fun times, but it allows the employees to experience meal preparation and prepare them for cooking in their own homes.
Play together (Dream Phase)
Though not required, playing together is nearly as important as working together in Youthscape's mind. It allows relaxation and enjoyment of others, development of skills and the ability to learn from others. Playing can be a positive way to get energy out and build a team's bonds through reliance on one another. Because of these reasons, Youthscape seeks to create spaces that allow for times of play among employees.
Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash
Breathe Together (Dream Phase)
Space. Time. Quiet. Peace of mind. We all need some time to sit and think--something not often offered in this world. Youthscape seeks to help remedy this with a designated time of intentional quiet and reflection. A time where big ideas can begin or when busy, brimming minds can take time to empty and be refreshed.
Photo by Phil Coffman on Unsplash
Be Together (Dream Phase)
There is a need for communities that are, well, together. Rarely do groups of people gather only for the purpose of gathering any more. We are all "too busy" all of the time. Well, when you work with Youthscape, we aim to change that. We do not require any of our workers to cut out anything they enjoy. Rather, we seek to create opportunities that make them desire to cut the busyness out in order to be with those around them.
Volunteering at Habitat for Humanity January 2024
Give Local
(Currently Implemented)
Not only is Youthscape a culture of community, but we recognize that we are a part of a larger, local community. In an effort to participate in this community we schedule volunteer days and are always on the lookout for other ways to serve.
Stay tuned for exciting new opportunities throughout the next few years!
Water for Good
Give International
(Currently Implemented)
Giving only to the local community would ignore the fact that we are all living in this world together. You, me, and those on the other side of the world. Perhaps we cannot all give a lot, but even a small gift makes a difference. At Youthscape, we have committed to giving a week's worth of clean water for every yard service we accomplish. Want to know how? Read about it on our non-profit partner's website below.