Our Style of Stewardship

Stewards of our machines, our employees, ourselves. We have a lot to take care of here at Youthscape. These are just a few of the ways in which we demonstrate the type of stewardship we believe will help us be a sustainable company.

Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash

Employees first

They get their hands dirty for us, we want to do the same for them. Whether it is helping provide spaces after work for them to gather, feeding them food that helps build their bodies, or assisting them in times of need, Youthscape looks to put its employees first. And trust us, you'll be glad we do! Why? Well, if our employees are happy, then they work extra hard to make you happy! Simple, but effective, and not at all a hidden motive--how can it be when it's written where anyone can read?

Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash


Lean is a business concept that helps determine how we operate on a day-to-day basis. It's goal is to remove waste that does not add value to you, the customer, while also maintaining quality standards. So, when we get done with your lawn just a little faster, don't worry, we're not cutting corners, we're simply always looking at ways to improve our methods and must have found one!

Photo by elizabeth lies on Unsplash

Rotation, Rotation

Just as it is beneficial to rotate crops on a farm, we at Youthscape know that rotation can be a large part of stewardship. Rotating jobs, schedules, and the way in which we mow your yard helps keep away the creation of ruts and continues to foster growth within the company and your landscape.

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash


You see "organic" in the grocery store all the time, but I doubt you've ever heard of an "organic" yard service! Though you may have guessed it when you looked at our farm partners website (if you haven't yet, go do so!), Youthscape is looking to become a part of this "new" trend. Being "certified organic" is not on the current horizon but that doesn't stop us from trying to take care of this earth using natural, rather than chemical, means.
What does "being organic" mean for Youthscape? It means we offer weeding services so that you don't have to spray (and please, we ask that you do not spray without letting us know!). It means that we recycle all the green matter we can, taking a bunch of it to our farm partners so that they can use it for compost. It also means that we look to grow better food in our garden and feed our employees a better, more tasty, diet!

P.S. We are a new company trying new ways to help keep the cycle of a green earth, well, green. Not everything is able to be “organic” at this point and trying to recover a yard full of weeds (for example) is not always as easy as it sounds. Sometimes we may need to use man-made chemicals in order to help correct the unhealthy yard, but as we grow we hope to continue to discover more ways to keep potentially harmful substances out of the soil and our lives.